Go Girl, Go Greek

The day is finally here. This week will be the beginning of the lifelong sisterhood you have been dreaming about. In the coming days you are going to meet the girls who will be by your side for every late-night Sonic run, every cringeworthy blind date and will eventually stand by your side on your wedding day. This is BIG stuff. Once you get that bid, your college experience will forever be changed. Greek life has the power to transform your college years in ways you never imagined. Take note of the young woman you are today, because she is only half the woman that will graduate in 4 years. You are going to be given opportunities and have experiences that are going to give you a whole new perspective and inspire you to change the world with your sisters.

As you go through this process, always remember this one thing: you are worthy. You are worth more than any combination of Greek letters. The house you run home to will help shape and define your college experience, but it will never define who you are or who you are meant to be. You are SO much bigger than any mansion you will ever call your home away from home.

It is going to be SO hard to remember your worth when your favorite house cuts you or the house with the “worst” reputation is the only one who invites you back. Trust me, I’ve been there. But just know that the system really does work. If you trust the system, you will end up in the house you were always meant to be in. The house you run home to has been waiting on you and preparing for you since day 1. I promise if you keep an open mind and follow your heart, you won’t regret your decision.

And if you go through this week and find that Greek life isn’t for you, it is more than okay to walk away. Sororities are not the only sisterhoods on your college campus. Sisterhood can be found in campus ministry, any & every club/organization and even in your classes. You can have the fullest and most memorable college experience without Greek letters.

As you embark on this new adventure, keep this verse on your heart:

“Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take”

Proverbs 3:6

I pray that throughout this experience you find the joy, love and sisterhood that I found in my house. Never forget that you are loved, you are worthy and you were made for greatness. Now go girl, go Greek!!