Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

So here’s the tea: a couple weeks ago I would have told you I have nothing to be thankful for. Obviously, that’s a lie, but y’all know how dramatic I can be. I was focused on what I lost and what I didn’t have instead of focusing on what I got. But, I am out of my funk, so here is a list of all the people, places and things that I am thankful, grateful, blessed to have in my life.

My parents: Mom and Dad, thanks for always taking care of me even though by now I should be able to somewhat adult. I definitely do not adult as much as a 19 year old gal should, and that is all thanks to y’all’s generous souls. Thank you for always supporting my dreams, I wouldn’t be the budding business woman I am today if it weren’t for y’all!

My sister: Cait, thanks for being the taller, funnier, spunkier version of me. You balance me out and keep me young, which is what makes you the ideal business partner 🙂

My fam: Look at all those chickens!! Tori, thanks for not graduating and for being the ultimate matriarch. Katherine, thanks for being the hottest grandma in town. Kelsey, thanks for being a cool mom and not a regular mom. Claire, thank you for picking me, choosing me, loving me, you’re the best child a mom could ask for. Honorable mention to Crazy Aunt Maggie, I know you aren’t actually crazy I just really like the way it rolls off the tongue. Y’all are forever my people!

Kelsey: Yes, you get an extra special shoutout because you are VERY special. A year ago I would have never imagined that you would be my best friend (that’s a lie I knew you were the one since October 13, 2017). Thanks for being responsible for me, for letting me sleep in your bed for a week, for always being up for staying at home, for being willing to eat El Agave or Rice & Spice at a moment’s notice and for being my literal person. Love you more than you know!

Michaela: TBH, still not quite sure how we became besties for the resties. Maybe it was Kelsey, or recruitment workshop, or maybe it was because of that time you put your number in my phone and told us we would be getting lunch later that week. It really doesn’t matter because I cannot imagine college without you by my side. Michaela, thanks for being the “other one” in this friendship and for being my go to Wisconsin gal.

Bella & Johanna: Hey guys, welcome back to my blog!! On behalf of me and Michaela, thank you for being our friends and for letting us lay on your floor and cry.

Johanna: Thank you for helping me stay sane over the past year! You showed me what it meant to be a leading women while still having fun. I am so very thankful to have you as a role model in my life.

Gabby: Thanks for being my other half for the past year. I sure am going to miss spending Theta’s money on chocolate fountains and face masks with you! #HRForever

Virginia: Who else would stress out about accounting with me and then spontaneously eat at St. Leo’s? Thanks for being my Oxford gal pal, a total girl boss and for making school feel like home!

Every single member of Epsilon Zeta: Thetas we will always be, sisters for eternity! Thanks for being my besties, can’t wait to see what the future holds. #legEndZNeverDie

The Ladies of 308: Where do I begin? Thanks for agreeing to live with me! I am #blessed that y’all are down the hall from me and not down the hill and past the Crosby front desk anymore (forever my Sixth Floor Sweethearts)!! Forever thankful for the ever changing photo backdrop and random cookie baking that happens in our humble abode.

Cat: You are the Phoebe to my Rachel! Thanks for always understanding me and for being my best friend. Tell Louie I am thankful for him too.

Dev: You, my friend, are the definition of the ultimate gal pal! Thanks for always curling my hair and for always encouraging me to go to Sonic no matter how late it is, you’re the real MVP!

Lindsey: You are the queen of calculus and the greatest Honors 102 buddy in Ole Miss history! Thanks for always being up for a party, but also always being down for a good study session.

Cecelia: Thank you for being my forever travel buddy and calling me every week. Let’s babysit the Heyl kids soon, cool? I miss you dearly, please come home ASAP!

Shelb: Thanks for being the little sister I always wanted (jk Caitlin ily)! But seriously, I am oh so thankful that you got placed in St. Philomena all those years ago, love you to Lubbock and back!

The University of Ole Miss: Thank you for reminding me every day that I made the right decision two years ago. You’re hospitality and charm never cease to amaze me. Now if you could just beat Mississippi State tonight, you would be the dreamiest of dream schools.

The state of Texas: Thank you for being my first true love. I know that no matter where life takes me, you will always be home.

To everyone else that is still reading this: I am thankful for you too. Thanks for turning a stress reliever into a passion, y’all rock!