1st is the Worst, 2nd is the Best

Ok so obviously my first year in college was not the worst year of my life (that title would probably be awarded to my junior year of high school). BUT I will say moving to Ox the second time is 10x less stressful than the first go around.

365 days ago, I moved into Pittman Hall. Ahh to be young and living in a freshman dorm again…NOT! Picture this: 7 people, practically strangers to each other, in a shoe box, all with their own opinion on where things belong, hangry, and on a time crunch. And then add hundreds of other frantic freshman parents and some Mississippi heat and boom that was move-in day. Not to mention I was utterly terrified of anything and everything college/adult. Fast forward to today: I am driving myself (with the companionship of my father, of course) to the Sip with a car packed full of sorority workweek supplies (Go Girl, Go Greek) and a couch. My destination: my big’s house for a couple days and then my cottage (yes, I live in a cottage with my 3 besties and no, it is not in the woods). But Connor, how can you go to college with only sorority shirts and a couch? Good question reader, here is the answer: I have awesome parents. They will be back next weekend with the rest of my stuff, aren’t they the sweetest. Am I stressed? Absolutely not. Is my mother? Forever and always.

The biggest difference is I am no where near as nervous about moving as I was last year. Last August all I could think about is all the ways I was going to fail at being a college student at one of the most social universities in the South. This time around all I can think about is how much fun I am going to have and how I have been counting down the days until my return to the Velvet Ditch.

Attention college freshman: move-in day is going to be stressful PERIOD. You can plan and plan and plan, but all the plans go flying out the window when you walk into that dorm room. I had spreadsheets and diagrams and then I went crazy when things started to go in their own direction. Will your room be picture perfect at the end of day 1? Perhaps, but I promise you it will change by the next morning. Advice: let your moms put everything where they think it needs to be, it will help them relax and don’t we all want our mothers to relax every once in a while. Also: don’t get mad when your dad is trying to set up your techy stuff and it isn’t happening fast enough, you rather him do it then you (trust me, I insisted on setting up my own printer and ended up crying over FaceTime multiple times). You would have thought my family hated each other if you watched us move me in to Pitt 109. And you will probably think the same thing after I move in with the Ladies of 308, but hey life goes on. Moving to another state for 9 months out of the year is stressful, but one thing I learned is I am never too far from home.

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