Girls, Girls, Girls

Everyone needs a girl squad. You know a group of go-to gal pals that you can act obnoxiously extra with and at the end of the day y’all all genuinely care about each other. Now the challenge is finding the perfect combination of girls to be in your gang.

I’m gonna tell you that after almost 19 years of searching for my ultimate girl squad, it doesn’t happen overnight. If you found your entire girl squad on your first day of daycare, please message me and tell me all your secrets. You also aren’t going to find you entire girl squad in one place. Right now my best friends are spread out across the country from Texas to Wisconsin to Virginia and literally everywhere in between. I cannot wait until the day I get to choose my bridesmaids because you best believe there is gonna be a dozen of them and they are going to legitimately represent the story of my life. I am picturing friends from nursery school standing next to sorority sisters with the occasional high school gal pal mixed in, all led by my biological best friend. And let’t not forget about the fabulous young ladies I have yet to meet that will be right up there with them. I mean come on, name a more iconic future girl gang, I’ll wait.

And since it usually takes a lifetime to find all the members of your ultimate girl squad, unfortunately, there is a lot of trial and error. When you look back at your lifetime, you are going to have had so many “best” friends. This is just a testament to how much we change and grow throughout our lifetime. If a friendship is toxic, it is 100% ok to let it go. It is one of the most awful feelings in the world, but I always like to think it happens for a reason. I know you can never have too many gal pals, but sometimes you have to lose one to gain a better one. Each time we decide to strengthen a relationship with one person and weaken a relationship with another, we are making a decision about the person we want to become. While you are in no way defined by your friends, they have more influence on you than you may think. This is why you have to take the time to find the perfect combination of girlies to help you along the way to becoming a total boss babe.

The best advice I can give you when searching for your ultimate girl squad is to surround yourself with girls that push you to be your most genuine self. You should never have to pretend to be someone else just to gain a friend and a follow on Instagram. Anyone who doesn’t accept the real you is probably not a very good friend, just putting that out there. To find your ultimate girl squad all you have to do is be your wonderful, intelligent, fabulous self, that’s it, that’s the secret.

I seriously pray that each and every one of you find a girl squad that you can call your own. I honestly do not know where I would be today without all of the marvelous young ladies in my life. And if any of y’all are looking to expand your squad by one more, I got you girl!