Party School Survival Guide

72 hours, 3 frats, 2 bars, 1 college freshman. This is a snapshot of my weekend and if you have ever met me, or even just heard of me, you know partying is not my forte. Ole Miss is one of the biggest party schools in the South: our weekends start on Thursday, nightly frat laps are a must, and if you haven’t been to The Levee you haven’t been an Ole Miss freshman. In my short time here I have learned a couple tips and tricks.

Here are four easy steps to follow if you go to a party school but partying isn’t your scene:

(1) Go Out

Don’t feel like you have to go out every Thursday, Friday and Saturday (10/10 would NOT recommend every weekend), but don’t be afraid to say yes. You never know who you might meet when you leave your dorm. Odds are there is something going on around campus and, if not, the Square is always a viable option. Trust me when I say you will not regret saying yes to going out, even the worst nights ever create some of the best memories.

(2) Have a Drink

I am absolutely, positively not condoning underage drinking, but just hold the dang cup. People will stop asking if they can get you something and you look a lot cooler. Under NO circumstances should you drink the punch: frat house punch = bad. You don’t have to drink anything, but if you do please be responsible. You don’t want to be that girl that falls down the Rooster’s stairs.

(3) Be Yourself

I was the “mom” in high school and I will continue to hold that essential friend group role in college. Being the mom or dad of your friend group has its benefits: lots of laughs, the occasional free Cook Out meal, getting shout outs on Snapchat stories for saving the world, the list goes on and on. Don’t think that you have to go wild in college just because everyone around you is. Everyone can appreciate a girl who can be the life of the party without shotgunning a can of Natural Light.  College is about finding out who you are going to be, so start acting like the person you wish to become.

(4) Know When to Slow Your Roll

Every now and then listen to your parents. When they suggest that you spend just a little more time in your own dorm/apartment/house and to not stay out past midnight every night of the week – listen to them. Believe it or not, they were once college kids too. They made mistakes and are only trying to keep you from doing the same. There is no shame in being in your own space, alone by 9 PM on a Monday or Tuesday or , even now and then, on a Thursday. You can use those times to get caught up on studying, watch Netflix or, here’s an idea, go to sleep on the same day as you woke up.

Parties are fun, I am not going to lie to you, but they aren’t the purpose of college. So if you attend a party school like yours truly, or you are thinking about going to one, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to always remember a college education is going to take you a lot further in life than any bar or frat house ever will. May the odds be ever in your favor, stay cool my party people.


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